Completed payment!

Date: 2018-09-11
Amount: 0.035 BTC
Payment method: Bitcoin wallet (Coinbase)
Recipient: User #3734
Comment: None
Source: None
Payment screenshots database
BTC Smash is a fun game where you get rewarded in Bitcoin just for smashing virtual things! Simply join with your BTC wallet address and start smashing! Each time you hit a lucky object some BTC will be added directly to your balance. When you reach the payment limit, you can withdraw to your wallet and continue playing!
The site also has additional features (investment simulator, coupons, hashing and more). Inviting others will help you get even more hits and smash more items! It is free to play but offers real rewards.
Completed payment!
Date: 2018-09-11
Amount: 0.035 BTC
Payment method: Bitcoin wallet (Coinbase)
Recipient: User #3734
Comment: None
Source: None
Completed payment!
Date: 2018-09-11
Amount: 0.035 BTC
Payment method: Bitcoin wallet
Recipient: Mike
Comment: This is my payment proof from I am now currently collecting my second withdrawal. This is the best site ever!It took me some time to invite many users to get as many hits as possible. I played non-stop but managed to get the huge withdrawal!
Source: YouTube